마스크팩은 바른 후 마르면서 딱딱하게 굳어져 공기를 차단하여 각질층에 수분공급으로 유연하게하고 팩제에 함유된 유효성분의 침투를 돕습니다. 마스크팩은 건조시키는 가운데 수분증발을 막고 따뜻하게 유도시킵니다.
마스크팩의 목적은 피부에 영양분과 수분을 적절하게 공급하고 노화 각질을 방지하는 신진대사를 촉진시키고 혈액순환을 유지시켜 잔주름을 예방하는데 있습니다.
마스크팩의 장점은 얼굴 뿐만 아니라 신체 여러 부위에도 사용하다는 점입니다. 영양공급이 주된 목적으로 있으며, 마스크팩 특유의 점액과 점토질로 피부에 있는 노폐물을 흡착시킵니다. 피부의 노폐물을 제거시키면서 모공을 수축시켜 피부탄력을 증가시킵니다.
팩은 사용법과 내용물에 따라서 분류되어 집니다.
peel - off 타입은 건조된 필름 막을 아래에서 위로 떼어내는 팩입니다. 팩이 건조되는 동안 피부의 긴장감을 주어 탄력성을 올리며, 팩을 제거했을 때 불순물과 먼지, 죽으 ㄴ각질세포를 제거하여 피루를 청결하게 합니다.
wash-off 타입은 크림, 거품, 젤리, 클레이상 등의 다양한 타입이 있으며 팩제를 바르고 20~30분 후에 온수로 닦아내는 것입니다. 주로 여름철에 많이 사용합니다.
Tissue - off 타입은 얼굴에 바른 후 10~15분 후에 티슈로 닦아내는 것으로 가장 보습효과가 좋은 것으로 매일 사용할 수 있습니다. 민감한 피부에 사용해도 효과가 좋습니다.
patch 타입은 콧등에 부착한 후 떼어내는 것으로 콧망울 주위의 피지나 노폐물을 제거하는데 사용합니다. 패치자체를 그대로 사용하는 경우도 있고 물에 적신 후 피부에 붙여 사용할 수도 있습니다.
분말타입은 물에 캐어서 사용하는 것으로 석고팩이나 효소팩이 분말타입입니다.
내용상에 따른 분류
크림- 주로 노화나 건조피부에 사용되며 영양공급과 진정효과가 좋습니다.
젤리- 반투명하며 마르면 투명해지면서 진정과 보습효과를 가지고 있습니다.
점액- 주로 엽록소, 해초팩 등으로 사용되는 것으로 수분공급이나 혈액순환
등을 촉진시킵니다.
클레이- 주로 지성피부에 사용하며 점토, 사해, 빙하토, 클레이 등으로
피부 청정이나 노폐물을 제거하는데 사용합니다.
이런 다양한 팩은 얼굴의 피부에 직접적으로 사용하는 것
이라서 각 재료에 대한 조건이 있습니다.
가장 중요한 것은 안전하며 독성이 없어야한다는 것입니다.
그리고 사용하기 편하게 입자가 고와야하며 잘 닦여야 합니다.
마지막으로 팩을 하였을때 피부의 탄력성을 올려주는 효과가
입증된 것을 사용해야한다는 것입니다.
After applying the mask pack, it becomes dry and stiff as it dries, and blocks the air so that it is flexible as a moisture supply to the dead skin layer and helps penetrate the effective ingredients in the pack medicine. The mask pack is dried, preventing water evaporation and leading to warm induction.
The purpose of the mask pack is to prevent fine wrinkles by providing nutrients and moisture to the skin properly, promoting the metabolism that prevents aging keratin and maintaining blood circulation.
The advantage of mask packs is that they are not only used on the face but also on many parts of the body. The main purpose of the diet is to absorb waste matter from the skin using mask pack specific mucus and clay. Increases skin elasticity by shrinking pores while removing waste from the skin.
Packs are sorted according to usage and content.
The peel-off type is a pack that removes the film barrier from the bottom up. It gives the skin more tension during drying, and when you remove the pack, it removes impurities, dust, and dead skin cells to clean the flesh.
There are various types of wash-off, such as cream, foam, jelly, and clairwash, and then wipe it with warm water after 20 to 30 minutes after applying a package. I usually use it in the summer.
Tissue-off type is a tissue wipe after 10 to 15 minutes applied to the face, making it the most moisturizing type on a daily basis. Works well on sensitive skin.
The patch type is attached to the nose and is extracted to remove sebum or wastes around the nose ball. Patches can be used as they are, or glued to the skin after being soaked in water.
The powder type is used in water, and the plaster or enzyme pack is of the powder type.
Classification by usage
Cream - It is used primarily for aging and dry skin and is both nutritious and soothing.
Jelly - It is translucent and becomes transparent when dried, and has a soothing and moisturizing effect.
Mucus - It is used primarily as a chlorophyll and seaweed pack to promote water supply and circulation.
Clay - mainly used on oily skin. Use clay, Dead Sea, frozen sea soil, and clay to clean or discard wastes
Used to remove.
These are used directly on the skin of the face, so there are conditions for each material.
The most important thing is to be safe and not toxic. The particles must come back in easy to use and should be polished. Lastly, it is necessary to use a proven material to increase the elasticity of the skin when packaged.After applying the mask pack, it becomes dry and stiff as it dries, and blocks the air so that it is flexible as a moisture supply to the dead skin layer and helps penetrate the effective ingredients in the pack medicine. The mask pack is dried, preventing water evaporation and leading to warm induction.
The purpose of the mask pack is to prevent fine wrinkles by providing nutrients and moisture to the skin properly, promoting the metabolism that prevents aging keratin and maintaining blood circulation.
The advantage of mask packs is that they are not only used on the face but also on many parts of the body. The main purpose of the diet is to absorb waste matter from the skin using mask pack specific mucus and clay. Increases skin elasticity by shrinking pores while removing waste from the skin.
Packs are sorted according to usage and content.
The peel-off type is a pack that removes the film barrier from the bottom up. It gives the skin more tension during drying, and when you remove the pack, it removes impurities, dust, and dead skin cells to clean the flesh.
There are various types of wash-off, such as cream, foam, jelly, and clairwash, and then wipe it with warm water after 20 to 30 minutes after applying a package. I usually use it in the summer.
Tissue-off type is a tissue wipe after 10 to 15 minutes applied to the face, making it the most moisturizing type on a daily basis. Works well on sensitive skin.
The patch type is attached to the nose and is extracted to remove sebum or wastes around the nose ball. Patches can be used as they are, or glued to the skin after being soaked in water.
The powder type is used in water, and the plaster or enzyme pack is of the powder type.
Classification by usage
Cream - It is used primarily for aging and dry skin and is both nutritious and soothing.
Jelly - It is translucent and becomes transparent when dried, and has a soothing and moisturizing effect.
Mucus - It is used primarily as a chlorophyll and seaweed pack to promote water supply and circulation.
Clay - mainly used on oily skin. Use clay, Dead Sea, frozen sea soil, and clay to clean or discard wastes
Used to remove.
These are used directly on the skin of the face, so there are conditions for each material.
The most important thing is to be safe and not toxic. The particles must come back in easy to use and should be polished. Lastly, it is necessary to use a proven material to increase the elasticity of the skin when packaged.
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